Wealth Management

{ for the Sensible Investor }

Successful investing is an elusive thing for many people. At Armory Capital Management, we don't believe that this should be the case. At its core, successful investing requires a consistent investment philosophy and discipline. We believe that buying and holding quality investments over a long period of time is the foundation for a successful investment program.

We also believe there are 7 Key Tenets to Successful Long-Term Investing that any investor must consider to further ensure investment success. The odds of reasonable investment returns are overwhelmingly in favor of the investor who implements these tenets.

Armory Capital Management would welcome the opportunity to further discuss our investment philosophy, explain the 7 Key Tenets to Successful Long-Term Investing, and assist you in reaching your investment objectives.


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It is the experience of practically all operators in stocks that they do not wait long enough for profits.

- Wall Street Journal April 21, 1899

The price of a stock today is important, but the future value of that stock is more important to us.

- Henry Wildhack

"The four most dangerous words in investing are: 'this time it's different."

- Sir John Templeton, legendary investor and philanthropist.

It's not how much money you make that counts.  It's how much you keep, it's how much it grows, and most importantly, how future generations might benefit from it. 

- Henry Wildhack

Far more money has been lost by investors preparing for corrections, or trying to anticipate corrections, than has been lost in corrections themselves.

- Peter Lynch, retired manager Magellan Funds
1.Get Rich Slow
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2.Belief in Capitalism, Free Enterprise, & America
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3.A Disciplined Investment Philosophy is Critical
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4.Don't Overpay For Underperformance
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5.Compare Performance Correctly
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6.Taxes Are Important
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7.Managers Manage
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